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OBESITY a curse of modern time- A life threatning disease & simple home based solutions

Modern lifestyle has gifted us the disease which has taken a form of national epidemic almost in all countries. Irregular dietary habits, dependence on fast food & sedentary life style has resulted in the form of a killer disease. Most of the obsess persons are fighting with ill effects of the disease every day. They find problem in sitting, standing, walking, almost in all spheres of life or are depended on obesity medications, obesity drug. A fat person does not feel good about his/her appearance & have to look down in public meetings for his/her body structure

Current world scenario
Obesity is a ticking time bomb present all around the world. A simple browse of statistics over internet can tell you how alarming the problem is even for developed countries like USA.  Countries are shelling out huge amount for prevention & management of this global epidemic. Even at individual level, a good amount of money is being spent on aftermath or prevention of this slayer disease.  Although high-income countries such as the US and UK have succeeded to contain the increase by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol with medications and eating habit changes, nevertheless 74.1% of the US population and 63.8% in the UK are obese. Even in Japan, historically known for its low cholesterol levels due to the high intake of fish, levels have increased alike in Western Europe, as the Japanese accept a Western diet.

Problems caused by obesity in everyday life

Each among all of us might be at different stage of obesity at a particular point of time but each level of this disease comes with its own set of problems. At the initial stage this might look simpler to tackle as it comes with less grave problems like fitting of clothes or not able to move fast or run but over the time when you are trapped in a serious situation obesity can offer very serious issues like obesity erectile dysfunction for men & fertility problems for women. Apart from physical issues we also face social issues if we are fat. We are bullied in our friend circle because of our appearance & live under a constant fear of facing the public. People might choose to depend upon path of obesity medications or obesity drug & some might even choose to go to obesity rehab centers but weight loss for obese men becomes a serious challenge to hold.

Health risks involved
Once the obesity reach to an alarming level it throws life threatening risks. Coronary Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, heart failure, Type 2 Diabetes, Abnormal Blood Fats, Metabolic Syndrome, Cancer, Osteoarthritis, Sleep Apnea, Reproductive Problems, Gallstones are few to name. In short to understand, obesity do not allow our body to behave & work normally & creates obstructions for normal body functions & thus any particular part, organ or cell may be damaged & stop working.


Changes required in life style

First of all be known that you did not transform to a fat person in a single day, so do not dream of getting slim within few days or using some crash course. You need to change your life style for life long to be fit. Most important is to take care of your life style. We should be physically more active to increase our body metabolic rate so that it prepares our body to perform all body functions properly. This includes one hour exercise daily i.e. without a single day skip. Incorporate yoga & meditation to your routine & also join some sports, dance or other recreational physically active activity. Modern life style require us to sit on office chair for long hours in front of computer screen or in between office papers ; try to do some possible cardio for 5 minutes after one & half hour so that your body do not come to stand still for long. Avoid taking any transport medium if a distance can be covered by walking. Avoid use of lifts in all possibilities.

Changes required in food/eating Habits

Only exercise will be of no use if you do not take care of your eating habits & food intake. We should know what we should take in. As the saying goes, “Garbage in- Garbage out”,  If we are consuming more fast foods, sweets & outside food, nobody can save us from this dangerous disease.  Lower down the consumption of tea, coffee & change to more herbal. There are simple home remedies which can give you an absolute cure from obesity. Here are few tips & food advise you should incorporate to handle the issue a better way

  1. Never to skip breakfast.
  2. Make a mixture of two teaspoon of lime juice, one teaspoon of honey, in a glass of water & have it as first thing in morning
  3. 8-10 liters of water every day
  4. Lower down cup of tea & coffee , switch to herbal tea (Cumin seeds- ½ tsp, Coriander seeds- ½ tsp,Fennel seeds- ½ tsp, Water- 4 cups, Thermos flask- 1—fullfills your tea requirement for the whole dday)
  5. Increase intake of fruits & salads & reduce consumption of fat & sugar( do not take it to zero , Only reduce)

The attitude

Last but not least, your attitude of never to say die can only help you to get out of the situation. Also, be patient as it would require time to show changes & fast track can show negative results. So include the basics in life style & enjoy the happy living.





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